Represented by Galeria Enrique Guerrero, Mexico City.
1994-1997: Master of Fine Arts in photography and related media. School of Visual Arts, New York, NY.
1990-1994: Licenciatura (Bachelor of Fine Arts ) in graphic design. Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City.
2000: Apoyo a Proyectos Culturales (grant for art project) FONCA (National Fund for Culture and the Arts).
1999: Residency at the CNA, National Center for the Arts, Mexico City.
1998-1999: Beca Jovenes Creadores, ( young artist grant) FONCA (National Fund for Culture and the Arts).
1995 and 1996: IPS grant, American Association of University Women, New York.
1995 to 1997: Programa de apoyo para estudios en el extranjero, (study abroad grant), FONCA (National Fund for Culture and the Arts).
Silvana Agostoni, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City, Mexico, 2000.
Fisonomia, Instituto Michoacano de Cultura, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico, 1998.
Silvana Agostoni, White Columns, New York, NY, 1997.
Construcciones Corporales, Art Deposit, Mexico City, Mexico, 1996.
Momenta, Arte Electronico, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City, Mexico, 12/2000-03/2001.
Latin American Artist-Photographers, Museo del Barrio, New York, NY, 10/2000-01/2001.
IX Salon Bancomer-BVA, Fundacion Cultural Bancomer, Mexico City, Mexico, 2000.
III Salon CantV Jovenes con FIA, Galeria Ateneo, Caracas Venezuela, 2000.
Galeria Enrique Guerrero, Feria Internaciona de Arte, Caracas, Venezuela, 2000.
Peep Show, Galeria del Centro Multimedia, CNA, 1999.
10 Mexican Photographers. A select end of the century generation. Dubois Gallery, Lehigh University, PA, USA, 1999.
New Visions: Five contemporary Mexican Photographers. Houston Center for Photography, Houston, TX. USA, 1998.
Fotoconstrucciones. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Alfredo Zalce, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico, 1998.
Salon digital, Círculo de Bellas Artes. Madrid, Spain, 1998.
XVII Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven, Museo Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico, 1997.
Octava Bienal de Fotografía, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City, Mexico, 1997.
Sepúlveda Luz Maria, El cuerpo del Otro. Article for catalog of exhibition Silvana Agostoni, at Centro de la Imagen, published by Galeria Enrique Guerrero and CONACULTA-FONCA, Mexico, May 2000.
IX Salon de Arte Bancomer-BVA, catalog of exhibition published by Fundacion Cultural Bancomer-BVA, Mexico, October, 2000.
Creación en Movimiento, catalog of exhibition published by CONACULTA-FONCA, México, March 2000.
10 Mexican Photographers. A select end of the century generation, catalog of exhibition published by Dubois Gallery, Lehigh University, PA, USA, 1999.
Octava Bienal de Fotografía, catalog of exhibition published by Centro de la Imagen, México,1997.
New York Digital Salon, catalog of exhibition published by Leonardo. Journal for Art and Sciences. Vol. 30 No. 5. MIT Press 1997.
Rodriguez Jose Antonio, Por ver no se paga: imágenes olvidadas. Article published on newspaper El Financiero, Mexico, August 26 1999.
Rodriguez Jose Antonio, Foto Mexicana de entre siglos. Article published in magazine Tierra Adentro #100, Mexico, October-November 1999.
Rodriguez Jose Antonio, Octava Bienal: una renovación. Article published in El Financiero, Mexico, October 23, 1997.
Arreola Magali, Revigorizar la fotografía mexicana. Article published on newspaper Reforma. Mexico, September 24 1997.