D.U.M.B.O. D I R E C T

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One Main Window

Fura S.

March 2000

Margaret Boyer
"Mothers Feeding"
January 2001

Laurel Beaudet

"Red Dolls"

October 2000

Jonathan Spiegel

Apeil 2001

 unstoppable units

Rebecca Landmér

"Unstoppable units"

May 2000

Lucien Dulfan

"American Barns"
August 2000

Mark Warhall
"Untitled Installation"

July 2000

Erik Vigil


September 2000

my twentieth century

Kevin Auzenne

"My twentieth century"

April 2000


Gaston Bertin

"Images of Nothig"
October 2000

Jen Ferguson
"Bridge in Blue"


 One Main Window is located on the front entrance of the Clock Tower Building in Dumbo.The glass reflects the unparalleled view of the Brooklyn waterfront under bridges. Providing a double treat to the observer. Thanks to the aproval by the board
of the building, 10 artists have shown their artwork in the past year.These are their windows.
 You can click on the window to view a large image or visit the artist page if their name is underlined by a link.For more information on the artwork or to schedlue a studio visit to the artists studios
please write to onemainwindow@dumbodirect.com