Brooklyn LiveWork --
In response to the escalating rent crisis in New York City and the events
of December 19, 2000, when 60 people and their children were evicted into
a cold December night, the Brooklyn LiveWork Coalition has formed to protect
the rights of live/work tenants in Brooklyn and beyond. We are an ever-expanding
group of neighborhood and housing advocates. We are working artists, small
business people, and arts-related entrepreneurs who have revitalized Brooklyn
neighborhoods abandoned by industry and neglected by government. We provide
new models of economic activity which demand live/work spaces and mixed-use
The first session of the 107th Congress began January 3, 2001. It will
be an historic Congress, with a 50-50 split in the Senate and a bare Republican
majority in the House. Capitol Advantage, the largest provider of legislator
communications services on the Internet, supplies CongressLink with the
most current information about Congress through our Congressional Information
Center. Visit often to follow what promises to be an eventful Congress
Tibet --
Campaigns for an end to the Chinese occupation of Tibet and for the Tibetans'
fundamental human rights to be respected
Too many children are not prepared to meet the challenges they face in
today's complicated world. Preparing youth requires giving them an effective
education. The traditional three Rs--Reading, Riting, and 'Rithmetic--are
just the beginning. What is missing is the 4th R, Relevant Skills.